How do Suku Cloud pre-orders work?
Written by Suku Support
Last updated
What are pre-orders and how do they work?
When you want to buy a new product, you may have seen the pre-order warning for the relevant product category or data centre location. When we run out of hardware, we activate the pre-order option for new orders.
Why do we need pre-orders?
All your cloud servers, shared web hosting services and more run on physical hardware in a data centre environment. When we run out of hardware after intense demand, we need new hardware to activate new orders. And this new hardware we need requires some investment. In order to minimise possible losses in this investment, we run the pre-order mode until we obtain 40/1 of the cost of the hardware to us. The time-out period for pre-orders is 7 days. Within 7 days, if the pre-orders do not reach the specified amount, all orders will be cancelled and a full refund will be provided. If pre-orders reach the set target, you will receive a notification email and all your services will be activated within a maximum of 72 hours. The duration of your service starts after the activation date. You can receive a full refund within 7 days after the activation of your service.
We only use this sales model to reduce costs and make cloud services accessible to everyone.
Here are the presale limits for pre-orders:
All shared web hosting services - $100
All cloud server services except Turkey location - $350
Turkey location cloud server services - $150
As Suku Cloud, we provide cloud services from many different regions of the world. Here are the regions where we actively provide services:
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Helsinki, Finland
- Frankfurt, Germany
- Nuremberg, Germany
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Bursa, Turkey
- Denizli, Turkey
- Atlanta, USA
- Chicago, USA
- Dallas, USA
- Los Angeles, USA
- Miami, USA
- New Jersey, USA
- New York City, USA
- San Jose, USA
- Seattle, USA
- Silicon Valley, USA
- Toronto, Canada
- London, United Kingdom
- Paris, France
- Singapore, Singapore
- Sydney, Australia
- Tokyo, Japan
- Seoul, South Korea
- Mumbai, India
- Sao Paulo, Brazil